Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Soft Chicken Tacos

I got home from work today and decided to find something in the fridge to cook. I found some chicken breasts in the freezer and some soft tortillas in the fridge, so I decided to go with some tacos. I am a sucka for some Mexican food. Here is what I did.

Boiled the chicken breasts

Shredded the chicken

Put some olive oil in the pan and added some green chilies and chopped green bell pepper.

Then I added a taco packet because that was the only type seasoning packet I had at the house. I added a little water to mix it all together.

I had some some salsa, cheese, and sour cream in the fridge so used that for toppings. In an ideal world this would have included onions, avocados, fresh chips, taco sauce, tomatoes, and lettuce. Pretty simple thing to do with some chicken.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

I really enjoyed not having to work today. I went to play golf and then just took it easy most of the day. I had an awesome cheeseburger at the turn on the golf course so decided to grill something out other than burgers. I went with a nice steak kabob from Kroger.

Hoover Sauce. This stuff is good on anything and could also be used as a cologne. I think it goes best with pork tenderloin, however I sometimes put it on steaks, chicken, and burgers. It is made in Louise, Mississippi by a man named Hoover Lee. It is a soy sauce based marinade and is pretty amazing.

We have a gas grill at the house. I hope to someday own a Green Egg, but for now this is a great grill.

The grilled corn on the cob was great. I haven't eaten some fresh corn on the cob in a while so this turned out to be a great side.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake that my roommate's fiancĂ© made.

I ate way too much of this stuff and now I feel awful.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sombra Mexican Kitchen

We went to Sombra today for lunch with some friends who came in town for an engagement party. On the way to the restaurant Erin and I were behind my friends in the other car. One of them participated a little too much in last nights festivities. All of the sudden Erin and I saw a head come out of the car window and begin to gag himself. They pulled over to let him finish and proceeded to the restaurant. I have not laughed this hard in a long time.


Cheese Dip and Salsa

Erin went with Steak Fajitas. Usually the steak is medium rare but today it was more on the medium or well done. These are still pretty good.

I got the Baby Back Ribs on a last minute impulse order. I was kinda confused why I ordered this once the waitress left. I ended up being very pleased with them. They fell off the bone and were very sweet. I would get them again if I was feeling it. I highly recommend this order to anyone.

My friend that threw up on the way to the restaurant went with the chicken chimichanga. I had a bite and it was very good. It had a lot of re-fried beans in it so that was disappointing. Overall I was pretty impressed.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Morning Breakfast

I woke up this morning to a wonderful breakfast prepared by my roommate. I'm not going to lie, he can cook some great eggs. Great start to a Saturday.

Sister Schubert Cinnamon Rolls are awesome.........

Not a bad combo, however I think that I had too many cinnamon rolls.

Roommate Egg Recipe -

Get your eggs in a bowl, then add some milk, salt, and pepper. Get your pan hot with olive oil already in there. Add the eggs and when the eggs are almost done throw some room temp cheese (American Singles) in there. Once the cheese has melted take off the stove and start chopping the eggs really thin. You're done. Enjoy!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Mermaid Cafe

We just went to The Mermaid Cafe out in Lake Caroline for dinner. This place is really good even though it is a little trek from Jackson. It is the only good place to eat within a 3 mile radius of where I live. Don't let that bring down the value of this place. I  have not had a bad meal from here. Great food, good beers on draft, and a great atmosphere.

The Mermaid Cafe

I had a Shock Top and Erin decided to go with an Indian Summer

Fried Crab Claws w/ Comeback sauce were incredible (Who doesn't love sauces?)

My roommate and his fiance got Annie's Fried Chicken which is the best dish they have on the menu. If I had to drive past this place everyday then I would get this to go once a week.

I tried to switch it up with the Shrimp Pizza, which was a great idea. I will definitely get this again sometime, and it could easily be split between two people.

Erin went with the Salmon and Mac'N'Cheese. She was very happy with it although I don't think she was happy with me eating half of it. The Mac'N'Cheese is some of the best in Jackson as far as I am concerned. If you go here you need to substitute any dish with Mac'N'Cheese (You will not be disappointed).

BLT Friday

I came home for lunch today and decided to go with at Bacon & Tomato Sandwich. This is my go to now that it is 95 degrees outside. What's great about this sandwich is it's only going to get better and better as it gets hotter and hotter.

I love Mayo. I decided to go light because it makes me feel like I can put more on there

Fresh tomatoes from Livingston Farmers Market, Mayo, Bacon, Salt & Peppa

I think this could be lunch everyday

Yeah I know what you are thinking "Are those Cool Ranch Doritos?" - Yeah they are

No, I don't drink on my lunch break. I got off at 3:00 today so I decided to turn on the DAWGS baseball game and try this Lime-A-Rita. Pretty awesome and I highly suggest it for daytime drinking.

I quickly found out that after two Lima-A-Rita's you are ready for some beer.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shrimp and Grits

So my roommate and I decided to take a stab at the City Grocery Shrimp and Grits. City Grocery is located in Oxford, MS (Home of the Ole Miss Black Bears.) I will admit that even though I am a Mississippi State graduate, Oxford is an awesome town with some great food. City Grocery is considered by some to be one of the best restaurants in the south.

Not Bad - "I know"

Shrimp, Bacon, Cheese, Grits, Chives, Butter

I decided to complement this meal with a nice craft beer

The Recipe

BBQ Fest

BBQ FEST - Memphis, TN

So I decided to try BBQ Fest this year, which was one of the better decisions that I have made in a while. Where in the world can you have so many grills, ribs, boston butts, and bacon? The answer is Memphis in May. I was on Team Riberty and I feel like we should have won the thing even though we came in 110 out of 112. There is always next year, that is if they let us back. I think a lot of us concentrated more on the dunkaroos than the BBQ.

Team Riberty

Ribs................ Lots of Ribs

Some shrimp that the tent next to us brought over. They were so incredible after sitting in butter all day. Thanks Team Sysco!

BBQ Nachos

Some racks on the grill. Standing next to this grill really makes you poke your chest out a little bit and think to yourself, "I look so badass right now."