Friday, May 25, 2012

BLT Friday

I came home for lunch today and decided to go with at Bacon & Tomato Sandwich. This is my go to now that it is 95 degrees outside. What's great about this sandwich is it's only going to get better and better as it gets hotter and hotter.

I love Mayo. I decided to go light because it makes me feel like I can put more on there

Fresh tomatoes from Livingston Farmers Market, Mayo, Bacon, Salt & Peppa

I think this could be lunch everyday

Yeah I know what you are thinking "Are those Cool Ranch Doritos?" - Yeah they are

No, I don't drink on my lunch break. I got off at 3:00 today so I decided to turn on the DAWGS baseball game and try this Lime-A-Rita. Pretty awesome and I highly suggest it for daytime drinking.

I quickly found out that after two Lima-A-Rita's you are ready for some beer.

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