Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

I really enjoyed not having to work today. I went to play golf and then just took it easy most of the day. I had an awesome cheeseburger at the turn on the golf course so decided to grill something out other than burgers. I went with a nice steak kabob from Kroger.

Hoover Sauce. This stuff is good on anything and could also be used as a cologne. I think it goes best with pork tenderloin, however I sometimes put it on steaks, chicken, and burgers. It is made in Louise, Mississippi by a man named Hoover Lee. It is a soy sauce based marinade and is pretty amazing.

We have a gas grill at the house. I hope to someday own a Green Egg, but for now this is a great grill.

The grilled corn on the cob was great. I haven't eaten some fresh corn on the cob in a while so this turned out to be a great side.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake that my roommate's fiancĂ© made.

I ate way too much of this stuff and now I feel awful.

1 comment:

  1. Hoover sauce is the first name in steak marinades as far as I'm concerned. I've never tried it on pork tenderloin, but that is a great idea.
