Friday, July 6, 2012

Krystal - Sober

Krystal - Sober


I had Krystal for lunch last week before going out of town for the 4th because I needed something quick so I could pack. Sober Krystal's are not the way to go.


Look at that sober steam. Not very appetizing at 11:30 am on a lunch break.

"Why is there a slice of cheese on the plate?

"Is this guy really too cheap to pay $.30 for a slice of cheese on each Krystal?" Yes, I am. I don't like letting Krystal dominate me when I am able to understand that they charge almost half the cost of a Krystal to put cheese on it. If you come late at night be sure to get them to put cheese on everything.

Heinz ketchup is a very key ingredient to a Krystal. I usually get very aggressive with my dipping. I also don't get fries because they suck here.

I dominated my $3.00 meal, however I recommend not starting a trip or weekend with a 4 pack of Krystals.

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