Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seared Tuna

Cookout - Seared Tuna

I went over to my neighbors house again for another cookout this week. I hope this happens every week because it is always really good. My neighbor defrosted some tuna he had caught in the gulf last season and it was delicious. This cookout was a little more reserved than the last one.

Automatic pepper grinder with flashlight. This thing really caught my eye, although it is a little over the top.

I wonder if that is going to be any good?

The Big Green Egg

Abita Strawberry. I feel like this beer is becoming more and more overrated every time I drink it. It has to be in first place for the beer with the most demand. This stuff is like crack to the middle class.

If Fresh Market sent out a tweet saying free filets today or just got a shipment of Abita Strawberry then the same amount of people would walk through the door. The higher ups at Abita Brewing Company must be loving this situation.

Some Captain Rodney's dip that consisted of cheese, mayo, and ritz crackers

500 degrees son. He seared the tuna for about 45 seconds on each side.

The recipe and sauce

It was very hard not to walk by this tray and grab a slice of tuna.

Spinach, Green Beans, and Rice

The Sauce

Yup, not bad right? This was an incredible meal. The ginger on top of the tuna was possibly one of the most different and delicious things I have eaten recently. I typically don't like ginger very much but after sitting in that sauce overnight it was superb. I suggest folks try this recipe in the near future.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Arby's - Canton, MS

Arby's - Good Mood Food


My coworker and I ended up at Arby's the other day for lunch. We came out to Canton to go to Stamps Super Burger, but sadly found out it was closed once we got there. Arby's was across the street so we settled for some roast beef.

This sign on the window helped me decide what I wanted. I wish that I never saw this sign.

My finger got In the way.

2 Arby's Melts, 1 Chicken sandwich, 1 Sprite, 1 Orange Milkshake

Not a great idea when you don't get to go lay on a couch after you indulge.

Yes, those are cheese sticks that I was very jealous of.

Who said I had high cholesterol? The chicken sandwich sucked by the way.

Sauces, I love sauces!

At about this point in my meal I started to regret the previous 5 minutes of total fast food domination. The Arby's Melts were fantastic unlike the chicken sandwich that ruined the order. If I went back I would get 2 Arby's Melts, 1 fry, 1 suicide drink, 1 shake.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs = America


God Bless America! There is nothing more American you could eat in my opinion. If you asked me to create a meal that reminded you of America, I would make this and have a Budweiser to drink with it. I went with some lemonade yesterday, since I was on my lunch break.

Traditional Ball Park Franks

Kroger Kettle chips, Why pay an extra $1.50 for Lay's Kettle chips? Dumb.

I always go name brand on condiments because you can taste the difference.

Grilled Dogs, bread, mustard, relish, mayo, ketchup, melted cheese under the dog

I know you are asking yourself, "Why are there no hot dog buns?" Well, the answer is recently I have stopped buying them, because they usually mold before I use them so I am tired of wasting money. Secondly, my dad always made hot dogs this way growing up so I actually have come to prefer this method.

This is truly one of my favorite lunches to make, and I think Lee Greenwood feels the same way.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Sunday lunch in the Delta

Catfish Parmesean

The Baird's invited me over to come eat lunch with them today so I accepted the invitation. I set a new personal food record today that will probably hold strong for a while. My longest meal to date was set today at about 3 hours. What I thought was going to be a quick meal and get on the road turned into a 5 hour adventure at the Baird household, which included some post meal scategories.

Miss Dilly Pickles was very camera shy.

Family style make your own plate

Catfish Parmesean - Recipe

Take catfish filets and dip them in milk or butter. Then, combine some Italian bread crumbs, parmesean cheese, and paprika. Coat the filets with this mixture and put them in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 375 degrees. Pretty simple and very good.

Fresh tomatoes from Mrs. Baird's garden

Green Beans

Mashed Potatoes

Unfortunately, my hangover from last nights festivities came in real hot at this point in my meal. Don't worry I still dominated this plate and got seconds. I was very satisfied with the meal and as I am contemplating my hangover situation Mrs. Baird says "Y'all ready for dessert?"

Strawberry Pie

If you don't like strawberries then something is wrong with you. This cured the hangover immediately.

This was the most refreshing dessert I have had so far in 25 years. The homemade whipped cream made the dessert.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Corner Bakery

Corner Bakery


I went to lunch the other day at Corner Bakery in Madison. This place has been pretty busy every time I have gone. They have some pretty good cakes and cookies, however that is just the word on the street. It is an order at the counter and sit down type restaurant. I am a huge fan of this type restaurant at lunch time because it is usually fast. It was quick and satisfying but nothing special.

I need an iPhone so I can take better pictures.

I went with the Rubean sandwich and chips with a side of grease. My chips were straight out of the fryer and glistened in the light.

My sandwich tasted like someone intentionally sprayed Pam on the bread for 30 seconds.

This did not hold me back from eating every bit of it.

My coworker went with Santa Fe Salad. He said it was good but it looked pretty boring and mediocre to me. Everyone else around us ordered breakfast it seemed like, so maybe I missed the memo when I walked in. All the breakfast plates looked great so I will probably try the breakfast next time.