Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Salmon and Tuna

Baked Salmon


Erin decided to cook dinner for me tonight. I haven't had a home cooked supper in a while so I was pretty pumped. I have to work late all week so this was definitely a treat. She even had an appetizer ready when I walked in the door.

Sushi grade tuna from Fresh Market

I wish I could have been home to try a bite of this, but Erin tried some and said it was amazing.

Sear the tuna in olive oil for 30 seconds on each side and season it with sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Boom!!!!!! Seared Ahi Tuna Appetizer

She bought this at Fresh Market to put on the tuna.

I am a big fan of the green soy sauce. I think it is much better than the red and I'm not sure why. I dipped my tuna in some soy sauce and enjoyed.

Roasted potatoes with sea salt, pepper, olive oil, rosemary & garlic.

After baking for 45 minutes at 350 degrees

Drizzle olive oil on the sheet. Put the salmon and asparagus on the pan. Season both with sea salt & pepper, garlic, dill & lemon.

After 10-15 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees

This meal was definitely one that I hope she makes again. All of it was fantastic and I am not just saying that to be nice. I would definitely give this a try sometime.

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