Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs = America


God Bless America! There is nothing more American you could eat in my opinion. If you asked me to create a meal that reminded you of America, I would make this and have a Budweiser to drink with it. I went with some lemonade yesterday, since I was on my lunch break.

Traditional Ball Park Franks

Kroger Kettle chips, Why pay an extra $1.50 for Lay's Kettle chips? Dumb.

I always go name brand on condiments because you can taste the difference.

Grilled Dogs, bread, mustard, relish, mayo, ketchup, melted cheese under the dog

I know you are asking yourself, "Why are there no hot dog buns?" Well, the answer is recently I have stopped buying them, because they usually mold before I use them so I am tired of wasting money. Secondly, my dad always made hot dogs this way growing up so I actually have come to prefer this method.

This is truly one of my favorite lunches to make, and I think Lee Greenwood feels the same way.


  1. Couple of things: I'm in total agreement on the dogs on bread -- but you have got to be kidding that Kroger brand kettles are better than other chips. Incredibly disappointed in that chip choice.

    Your plating with that mustard is pretty impressive. Was that just an accident that you got those magnificent French's swirls?

  2. Good to hear they're more bread folks out there. I am a big fan of Lay's Kettles, however you need to try the Kroger Kettles and tell me the difference. You are welcome in advance for saving you money. Thank you for the mustard props! I learned how to make the mustard swirls when I was a sandwich artist at Lenny's Sub Shop in Starkville.

  3. Next time take your dawgs to the next level with some wickles brand relish--pricey but sooo worth it. Matter of fact, you should just email them and see if they will send you some gratis so you can review them on your food blog. Actually you should do this for a whole lot of stuff.

  4. I use bread for hot dogs for the same reason as you. I vastly prefer a bun but wasn't eating enough hot dogs to keep 8 buns from going stale (a good thing, right?).
